The latest competition was in the Ghostbusters theme. The main idea was a simple strategy game, where players took control of a squad of busters with the aim of capturing more ghosts than the...
CodinGame – Smash the Code
The latest Codingame competition was a Puyo like game where bots were playing against each other in parallel. The goal of the game was to survive longer then the opponent. Players were dropping colored...
Why developing tools for small projects worth it
ePic Character Generator has been out of the door for a while and a heavily reworked version has seen sunlight in November, 2015. We’ve had quite a few improvements on the program and lots...
CodinGame – Code vs Zomies
This weekend a 24 hours optimization challenge was being held. The game was simple, you were controlling a character with a gun on a top-down view, where you needed to save humans and kill...
CodinGame – Back to the Code
A multi player coding competition was held over last week. The topic was a game, which was played on a 35×20 grid. Players were controlling a single unit, which could travel to any of...
CodinGame – Code of the Rings
There was a 24 hours competition this weekend on The problem was simple: Bilbo is in a forest in Middle-Earth, and needs to spell out a sequence of words. He did this using...
CodinGame – There is no spoon
I’ve been relocating to Guildford, UK in the past two weeks, and was away from coding in that time. As I’ll start at Lionhead Studios on Monday I planned to grab the keyboard over...
Postmortem: Crafting AI for a symmetric asynchronous multiplayer game mode of CastleStorm
CastleStorm is the first asynchronous multiplayer game with a symmetric setup. I will discuss some of the details the system consists of to better understand how we’ve achieved a continuously learning adaptive AI, who fights for the player whenever he’s not online.
Website launched
The site has just been launched with a fresh WordPress install. I will translate the previous pages to English shortly and plan to add new content regularly. The main purpose of this webpage is...